Values and Competencies

As we continue to develop and plan a successful 2024 Symposium, we ask that you indicate how your proposals align with the following values and competencies:

University mission, vision and values statement alignment

The University Life Symposium planning team requests that program proposals goals and learning outcomes align with University Life mission, vision, and values statements.  You will be asked to indicate how your learning outcomes align with one or more of the following areas: 

  • Inclusion and Opportunities
  • Leadership for Positive Change
  • Well-Being
  • Collaborative Community
  • Strategic Transformation

You can read further about University Life mission, vision and values statement and read these in their entirety here UL Vision, Mission, and Values Statements – University Life (

For more information on the 10 competencies, along with a rubric, please visit here. 

Your participation in alignment with our values and national competencies allows us to create an individualized yet well-rounded conference experience for every attendee.  It also allows us to address learning outcome gaps, allows for better assessment, and creates opportunities for the ability to provide further professional development opportunities to you at future UL events and Symposiums! 

If you have questions about these or any other Symposium program proposal questions, please email us before the submission deadline at [email protected].