Educational Session Materials
To download session materials, click on the links below:
Using Data to Drive Decisions: How LLCs Are Using Collaborative Relationships to
Assess Our Impact (Presenters: Kara Danner, Living Learning Community Development and Jamie Moynihan, Graduate Student) This fall LLCs partnered with a graduate student, Jamie Moynihan, from Dr. Zamon’s CTH 826 class to analyze the efficacy of adding an English general education requirement to two of our Living Learning Communities. Jamie will share how he set up his study, what we learned and recommended next steps. The need for clear data to justify our programs and services is essential, and resources are limited. Therefore, we will address how to develop critical partnerships, like this one. Additionally,
other assessment initiatives across the LLCs at Mason and how we are using data to drive our
decisions as we move forward will be discussed.
Educating for Global Competency in the Co-Curriculum – (FILE 1)(FILE 2) (Presenters: Heather Ward, Birgit Debeerst, and Melissa Beard, Office of International Programs and Services) Through the exceptional diversity of the Mason community, our students have opportunities to develop global competence in their interactions outside the classroom. But what exactly is global competence, and how can it be measured? Presenters will provide an update on national trends in cocurricular programming that support the development of global competency, drawing on Mason’s Global Proficiency Certificate (GPC) and other programs as examples. Presenters will also discuss tools for measuring student learning, including cognitive, behavioral, and attitudinal changes. Mason’s specific strengths provide fertile ground for innovation that advances this field.
“Civility Starts with You” – file download from Dropbox. ( Presenters: Dolores Gomez-Moran, University Ombudsman and Nick Lennon, LEAD) What is Civility? Why is it important? How are Civility and ethics related? What are some model practices for incorporating Civility into our work? How can you incorporate Civility education and development into your work? This session will address what we know about Civility and how it can help our work at Mason, our communities and society as a whole.
The Preamble: Writing a New Beginning Through Extended Orientation (Presenter: Katie Murray, Orientation and Family Programs and Services) The Preamble, a re-envisioning of move-in and Welcome Week, was created to support first-year students from the moment they arrive on-campus. The offices of Student Involvement, Housing and Residence Life, Off-Campus Student Programs, and Orientation and Family Programs collaborated to develop a more ceremonial opening to the semester and intentionally addressing their rights and responsibilities as a Mason Patriot.
Tell Your Story, Show Your Value (Presenter: Ann Mills, University Career Services)
How will your unit demonstrate its value in the new environment higher education finds itself? Working
smarter, not harder is the approach University Career Services has taken as we consider the demands
of our stakeholders. The research indicates an enhanced level of collaboration among student affairs
and academic units will be required. Even two of our professional associations, NASPA and ACPA, are
considering combining forces to meet the changing demands of the profession. This presentation will
describe the structural changes University Career Services has embraced, strategies we are using to
reach out to our university partners and information on how we will measure the effectiveness of these
collaborations. In addition, we will facilitate a group UL brainstorm session in order to collaborate on
ways to enhance student engagement and prepare them for life after college.
Data Visualization and Infographics: Using Data to Tell Your Story
(Presenter: Ashley Sieman, University Life Assessment, Research and Retention) Are you ready to bring your data to life and use it to tell your story in an interesting and accessible way? At Mason we collect a wealth of information about our students. However, we often have difficulty understanding and communicating what we know about our students and the impact of our work. Data visualizations can help us make sense of the information we have collected and make it accessible to a variety of audiences. This session will introduce participants to data visualization and infographic tools and techniques. These tools and techniques are designed to help participants make meaning of and communicate complex information and ideas in a simple and visually appealing way.
Student Leadership Development: how do students learn and what should they be learning to further develop as leaders? (Presenters: Nick Lennon, LEAD; Julie Owen, New Century College; and Wendy Wagner, Leadership & Community Engagement) Participants will learn more about HOW students learn to be leaders and WHAT students should learn to further develop as leaders through a discussion of a new leadership development program at Mason called the “SEED Leadership Program”. Staff and faculty members at Mason collaboratively developed the SEED leadership program, which integrates the importance of classroom learning with co-curricular learning. Experiential learning theory and leadership development theory will be discussed as well as how these theories have practical applications for how students learn to be leaders and what we should be teaching students about leadership. The principles of leadership development will be explored and participants will be exposed to some model practices as well as strategies to better incorporate student leadership development into their work.
As the Challenges Grow, Building a Community Where ALL Can Participate (Presenter: Ric Chollar, LGBTQ Resources) Nationally, universities are seeing an increasing proportion of students who are dealing with serious mental health, trauma, disability, and/or conduct problems. We experience this trend in rooms and spaces across campus designed in part to bring students informally together for building community; where students with significant needs and challenges come seeking “a safe space.” The challenge is helping these higher-needs students participate, who present challenges to many in the rest of the community space with their behavior, communication styles, which can be experienced as confusing, off-putting, inappropriate, disrespectful, and can discourage some other students from coming back to the space. How do we aspire to the ideal notions of “safe,” “welcoming,” “inclusive,” learning,” and
“community”? How do we model and help students shape a culture where everyone can participate as fully as possible?
Learning from The LGBTQ Campus Climate Task Force: Key Recommendations (FILE 1) (FILE 2) (Presenter: Ric Chollar, LGBTQ Resources) Charged with researching and making recommendations for improving Mason’s campus climate for LGBTQ students, the LGBTQ Campus Climate Task Force Report was completed and submitted to VP Sandy Scherrens and Rose Pascarell in September 2012. The Task Force co-chairs are currently prioritizing the eighty plus recommendations and this project will soon advance into the
implementation phase. We will briefly review the history, context, and findings of the LGBTQ Campus Climate Task Force Report, how data was collected and recommendations developed. We will share some of the key recommendations and facilitate a conversation about possible implementation approach, with specific implications for policies, procedures, practices, facilities, students, faculty and staff and the ways in which implementation will bring about a safer, more welcoming and inclusive campus for people of all genders and sexual orientations.
Understanding and managing student mental health and wellbeing: Current trends, practices and legal issues. (Presenters: Brett Scofield, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS); Anchal Khanna, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS); Mary Ann Sprouse, Wellness, Alcohol & Violence) This a mini series of three workshops. Participants can attend one or more of the three sessions. The first session will provide a profile of students at CAPS and WAVES. The second session will highlight the student of concern process, emphasizing implications for Title II regulations. The third session will explore the issues related to Title IX and investigation of sexual assault cases at Mason.
Housing Selection (Presenter: Brian Davis, Office of Housing and Residence Life) With the rapid growth of George Mason University and the recent trends regarding the affordability of college we invite you for a discussion about how the Office of Housing and Residence Life is improving the on campus student residential experience. We will discuss the successful changes that were made to the Housing Selection process last year and provide important information regarding this years Housing Selection process and the impact of increased demand for campus housing. If you work with students, this session will provide you the information your student population will expect you to know!
Importance of a Culture of Appreciation (Presenter: Angie Hattery, Women and Gender Studies) This program will address current trends in the use of mindfulness practices among higher education staff and faculty. We will illustrate using practices we employ in WGST and speak to the impact on staff, faculty and our students. We will conclude by modeling one practice and leave time for sharing and discussion.
Methodical Systems of Access and Transition (Presenter: Lewis Forrest, Early Identification Program) In its 25th year, Early Identification Program (EIP) continues to serve as Mason’s college preparatory program, providing access to educational resources, social development, and leadership training to first-generation college-bound students in seven participating counties throughout Northern Virginia. Supporting 600+ K-12 and undergraduate Mason students, EIP’s mission is to produce civically engaged students who value learning, serve their communities, and establish meaningful careers. Through review of our holistic methodology of academic support in STEM and core content areas, coupled with leadership development through mentoring, and parental engagement that explores strategies for intensifying student advocacy and family ties, session participants will learn strategies that address maximizing student achievement and creating opportunities for global citizenship.
Data Driven Decision Making with the EBI (Presenter: Hollie Chessman, Office of Housing and Residence Life) The ACUHO-I (Association of College and University Housing Officers International) and EBI (Educational Benchmarking Institute) offers a Resident Assessment that gather information from residents regarding their campus life experience. This survey has been used by the Office of Housing and Residence Life to target specific programs, services, and indicators to increase resident satisfaction and learning. In this session, we will review past and current EBI results, and discuss current and future initiatives to make Mason a place students call home. Campus partners will learn how the data from this assessment could further inform their practice.
Contingent Faculty and the Future of Higher Education: What Roles Can University Life Play? (Presenter: Marisa Allison, Women and Gender Studies) This program will address current trends in the use of contingent or adjunct faculty on college campuses and at George Mason in particular. Of special interest to women & gender studies is the fact that women constitute the majority of contingent faculty. The program will identify the challenges that the over use of contingent faculty creates for student learning and identify the opportunities that collaborations with university life can create for improving the work lives of contingent faculty and the students they teach.
Increasing your Virtual Outreach through Webinars (Presenters: Kaitlin Oyler and Rebecca Kurihine, Orientation and Family Programs and Services) Are you interested in expanding your virtual outreach beyond social media and e-newsletters? In April 2012 Orientation and Family Programs and Services launched a monthly family webinar series to accomplish just that. This presentation will review a step-by-step process of how we launched the series and will include topics such as why we chose to host webinars, how we selected our software, and what successes and challenges we’ve faced along the way.
It Takes a Village – Supporting Students on the Spectrum (Presenters: Kristina DeSantis, Office of Disability Services) Students on the Autism Spectrum bring diversity, unique strengths and prospective on campus, along with many complex challenges in navigating the academic and social complexities inherent in the college experience. With an increase in enrollment of students on the Spectrum, faculty and staff need to work collaboratively with other departments and community agencies to establish needed supports and services for success. The ODS staff will provide an overview of Autism characteristics, how to communicate and build rapport, and identify ways in which we can all work together to facilitate a successful transition and experience at Mason.
Twitter Praxis (Presenters: Michael Galvin and Karen Wolf, Office of Technology Integration) You know that Twitter is important, but you’re not quite sure of the best way to use it in student affairs. Come learn both theories around digital engagement in higher education, and concrete steps to take and tools to use so you can reach student where they are. Bring your unit’s social media to the next level!